Memories: Centaur and Badaxxe

So, as I chronicle my adventures through time and space, I was actually in Phoenix twice . . . .

In the early 80’s, I was in a band called Ripper with Tim Davis, Phil Salvail, Kenny Carpenter (sound engineer) and Brian Gormon. Tim stayed in Georgia, Phil came back, and Brian and I headed home in my van and a truck purchased from Tim’s Dad.

We stopped in Phoenix and I ended up playing in a band for a while. They had some recordings on MySpace which I can’t find now, I’m hoping Robin Schapira Constance remembers the name . . . edited to add: Holy crap–I found it!


The guitarist was named Joey. If I remember correctly, the bass player joined the Army, so I came back to Los Angeles where I discovered the girl I had been dating, STILL wanted me to go to hell. We compromised–I went back to Phoenix. It’s as hot but you meet nicer people. That’s how I ended up in Badaxxe.

If I can find other links to CentaurArizona music I will post them later!

About vincentgilbert

Musician (keyboards), composer and computer technician, with a whole lot of road wear. I'm sharing memories of the Hollywood metal years, touring with The Cult and a lot of projects that I've worked on between 1978 and into the future.
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